Orangepaint Factory is your one stop shop for all your custom needs. We can customize anything from cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, helmets, guitars, or whatever else paint will stick to! Our services include but are not limited to custom paint, airbrush artwork, graphics, murals, pinstriping, flames, metal-flake, pearls, candies, old school flat colors, or anything else you can think of.

If you can dream it, we can make it a reality!

Latest Harley


Body work on tank is done. HOK was ordered today an d when primer, paint comes in I will be busy.

With the new knowledge I took back from the Airbrush Getaway, I am ready to go.





Airbrush Getaway Vegas

Well I am back front he Airbrush Getaway in Las Vegas. This was the first one that I attended and although there were a few concerns, I can't say that I did not learn anything. In fact the first half day of the getaway had proven it's worth in gold and made the cost worth while.


I went down to take the Kustom Lab session and was great. The instructors were top notch and although my focus was spray gun adjustment and control, it was fun painting low style graphics.

The Getaway had many other sessions that I would take. I may attend the next one in Florida but for anyone looking to improve airbrush, pinstripe or spray gun I would recommend it. All the instructors were very friendly and were very open to support even though you were in another session.

Although I went down on alow budget, I blew it with the purchase of a new iwat spray gun, books and new Mack brushes.

Practical jokes were running wild. The guys whated Jeff Styles car for shipping.

This is a good go, do it!

More work on Batwing

 I spent the evening adding more detail and textures. I have been using AirSick Stencils Biometric and textures to give me added depth.

Work on my Batwing

I decided to paint on another surface today. To prepare myself for my biometric theme paint job on my Stratoliner, I decided to paint on my batwing. 

When I started I had no plans of keeping this paint job, although the batwing was primed, I  had not even scuffed the surface. Now I am not so sure what I will be doing as I get further into the project.

I started laying out my design with a white based on a Geiger painting. I had not planned on painting the whole batwing. I was just going to practice a little and take a couple shots for my portfolio. 

Using a grey mixture of Autoair I stared laying in the detail on the bottom portion of the batwing. I will get back to it tomorrow evening.


Goalie Mask practice

 We supposed to go to the yearly Bike Show today but after waking up to snow flurries and a forecast of 20 to 30 cm, we decided to stay put. If the weather is good tomorrow we may head out.

So I spent the day painting instead. I had started the helmet yesterday and the storm gave me a good excuse to hit the studio. 

I started with the white to define the outlines and create my design.


Once happy with the first layer I mix a grey color and start the detail. Here I will work in the shadows and outlines. Finally using kandy colors I paint in the fire in the design. It would now be ready for clear if this was for a client. 



Airbrush Practice

 More practice with the airbrush. Working on various effects. I paint the highlights and layout with white and the using black, go in and finish off the shadows and detail.


Pinstripe Practice, Practice

Spent the evening practicing my pinstriping. I pulled out an old helmet and practiced pulling more lines.




More Freehand Practice

 I was up early and wanted to get more painting done before the Super Bowl. 

 Same process as before but this time I used a transparent black with a touch of red to create the detail. 

 Layout is painted with thinned down white to create highlights and all detail. 

Airbrush Practice


 Well it's Saturday and I wanted to practice my airbrush. It had been month since I had finished painting my last bike. I had spent most of the time since designing the layout for my next paint job and getting ,ore practice with pinstriping.

I usually paint with a mix of stencils and freehand but today I though I would work on just my freehand. I pulled out a goaliemask and started my paint based on a pic I found on the web.

 I started with the white and payed out all my design. Working this way is a little different than I usually work. I have to remember not to overspray my shadows with white.



I then made a mixture of brown and black and started laying out the detail. It went smoother than expected and the Autoair paint worked well even though I over diluted them. 


Pinstripe practice

 I pulled out my wifes tank and practiced another design. I wanted to practice on another shape and surface. I will be repainting her bike soon anyway. I find that it doesn't matter how good you get on a flat surface, getting used to a shape that has curves has its challenges that require mastering. I am using Oneshot with a a Kafka #1 brush.


Next Project

 After a lot of research and sketches, I finally finishes a proof for my next project and sent it to my client. I received a call the following day and other than a minor change to the fender and front light he was very happy with the design.

I will be using House of Kolor paint to put the final touch to this sick custom Harley. I will be using UK01 Brandywine Kandy over a BC12 Zenith Gold Shimrin Glamour Metallics and layering the Kandy to give the various tones. I will also marbelize the interior dark stripe. The kandy is usually sprayed over the silver but the gold will give it a slightly warmer color.

House of Kolor BrandywineHouse of Kolor Zenith Gold

I am waiting for the parts and after a bit of body work on the extended tank I will start painting. I will be painting this after I return from Las Vegas Getaway so I will have extra tips and practice. 

This bike is for a very high profile customer so perfection will equate to business.


Practice, Practice

My lines are getting better, I should be ready for summer. I am hoping to do a couple bike shows this summer but I still have more practice. Now that I am starting to get the feel of the brush I feel I am improving much faster.